JJMC was planted as a “seed” by God within the East Main Street community of Columbus, Ohio. We introduce the use of occupation and vocation as tools to train and disciple

  • Business owners
  • Spiritual leaders
  • Community organizers
  • Community residents
to empower our neighborhood. JJMC uses Christian education and spiritual formation to transform spiritually these participants in this Kingdom project.

These transformed participants function as the ekklesia. The ekklesia uses our influence to reduce barriers within our community. The goal is to empower the East Main Street community to gain a new identity and purpose by becoming a “healthy community”. Community involves learning to live in interconnection with people instead of isolation from people, which establishes an experience of belonging and interdependence (Harris 2012, 6).

JJMC networks with other local churches, businesses, and governmental agencies committed to seeing people and communities holistically restored. By God’s grace, JJMC has a plan for the transformation of the East Main Street community by the implementation of God’s government, the kingdom of God, by using His ekklesia.


In the New Testament, the word “church” or ekklesia was a political term, not a religious term. Ekklesia is an assembly of persons which has been summoned for a particular purpose, which may be secular or religious. The assembly of persons may be regularly constituted (Acts 19:39). In the New Testament, it often refers to the occasion when a specific congregation gathers for prayer, instruction, and deliberation (Acts 11:26; Acts 12:5; 1 Corinthians 11:18; 1 Corinthians 14:4-5, 19, 28, 34-35; Col 4:16; Kugler 2009, 608). The ekklesia is to function as God’s heavenly legislative assembly (Phil. 3:20) being His kingdom ambassadors governing in the earth (John 18:36).

Here is a list of Kingdom ministries JJMC is part of:

  • School adoption of Fairwood Alternative Elementary School
  • Cooking classes
  • Food and clothing pantry
  • Discipleship classes
  • Nutrition education
  • Legal aid services
  • Marriage and family counseling services
  • Pastoral and personal counseling services
  • Men's Shelter Feeding Program